Construction and restoration of the quartet instruments

Fabio Nicotra was born in Palermo in 1974. At a very young age he began studying the cello with his brother Carmelo and subsequently enrolled at the Conservatory of Music in the same city. He deepened his chamber and symphonic music repertoire by playing with various ensembles both in Italy and abroad.
Always passionate about violin making, he decided to enroll first at the international violin making school in Cremona, then at the school of master violin makers and bow makers in Gubbio.
During his studies he began to frequent the atelier of master Claude Lebet in Switzerland and Rome.
In 1999 he finished his studies and held a violin making course in Sicily.
He was commissioned by the “Orchestra Sinfonica Siciliana” foundation for the appraisal of their instruments.
He collaborated with the V. Bellini Conservatory of Music in Palermo both for the maintenance of the instruments and as an expert in ancient musical instruments
Collaborates with national and international institutions.
He collaborated as CTU with the Court of Enna and the Carabinieri of the Cultural Heritage Protection Unit of Palermo.
He takes part in both national and international violin making events and exhibitions.
He was invited by the Monzino Foundation to exhibit his instruments in the Sforzesco castle in Milan on the occasion of EXPO 2015
Among his clients we find musicians of national and international fame.

He works in Palermo in his atelier in Piazza Olivella n.15

Giovanni Sollima
play cello by Fabio Nicotra

Franco Mezzena
play violin by Fabio Nicotra

Latest recording of Franco Mezzena


In this album, he plays a violin built by Fabio Nicotra in 2022, inspired by the 1741 Guarneri del Gesù “Kochanski”
